Subject Details
Dept     : B.Sc OT and AT
Sem      : 3
Regul    : 2014-2045
Faculty : Jennifer Y
phone  : NIL
E-mail  : snscahs06
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UNIT 1-4

Regional Anaesthetic techniques: a. Local anaesthetic technique b. Nerve blocks c. Spinal Anaesthesia d.Epidural anaesthesia Anaesthesia for speciality Surgeries: NEURO ANAESTHESIA: a.Glassgow coma scale b.Premedication c.Special investigation ­ CT, Angiography and MRI d.Checklist e.Induction of a patient f.Reinforced Endotracheal tubes g.Postioning in neuro surgery h.I.C.P. i.Air embolism j.Reversal of the patient k.Transferring to I.C.U. / Ward OBSTETRIC ANAESTHESIA: a.Differences between a pregnant and a normal lady b.Risks for anaesthesia. c.Precautions to be taken d.Check list e.Regional vs general anaesthesia f.Induction / maintenance and recovery . g.Resuscitation of the new born, APGAR score h.Reversal and extubation i. Emergencies ­ manual removal of placenta - A.P .H. - P.P.H. - Ruptures uterus - Ectopic Pregnancy PAEDIATRIC ANAESTHESIA a.Theatre setting b.Check list c. Fluid Calculation and administration d. Premedication ­ modes e. Induction f.Intubation ­ Securing the EIT g. Reversal & extubation – Problems h.Transferring / ICU management i.Pain management.

UNIT 5-7

ENT Anaesthesia: - Anaesthesia for adenotonsillectomy - Anaesthesia for mastoidectomy ­ Bronchoscopy and oesophagoscopy CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA : a.NYHA classification b.Arrhythmias c.Angina d.Dyspnoea e.Special investigations 1. echo cardiography 2. angiography f.Premedication g.Setting up of monitoring system h.Monitoring ­ invasive and non ­ invasive i.Getting ready for the case j.Induction of cardiac patient, precautions to be taken k.Cardiopulmonary bypass l.Weaning of CPB m.Transferring the patient to ICU. n.Care to be taken o.I.C.U management. p. Chest tube management ANAESTHESIA OUTSIDE THE O.R: a.Situations b.Cath Lab c.Radiology d.E.C.T. e.Short comings.

UNIT 8-9

DAY CARE ANAESTHESIA: a.Special features b.Set up c.Advantages d.Disadvantages e.Complications f.Future GERIATRIC ANAESTHESIA: a.Physiological changes b.Diseases of aging c.Nervous system d.Geriatric pharmacodynamics / pharmacokinetics e.Postoperative nervous system dysfunction.

UNIT 10-11

ANAESTHESIA FOR TRAUMA & SHOCK: a.Resuscitation b.Pre­op investigation & assessment c.Criculatory management d.Management of anaesthesia e.Rapid sequence induction f.Other problems THORACIC ANAESTHESIA: a.Pulmonary function tests b.bed side Vitallograph c.Preoperative preparation d.Premedication e.Check list f.Induction. Intubation gDouble lumen tubes h.monitoring i.Pain management j.Extubation k.ICU management

UNIT 11-12

Postoperative problems: a.Nausea & Vomiting b.Sore throat c.Laryngeal edema, Bronchospasm d.Neurological complications. e.Awareness f.Vascular complications. g.Trauma to teeth h.Headache i.Backache j.Ocular complications k.Auditory complications MAJOR CATASTROPHES: a.Mortality b.Causes of death c.Cerebral damage d.Prevention.

Reference Book:

Manual Of Anaesthesia For Operation Theatre Technicians S AHANATHA PILLAI

Text Book:

Short Textbook Of Anaesthesia AJAY YADAV


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