Subject Details
Dept     : B.Sc PA
Sem      : 2
Regul    : 2011
Faculty : Mrs.P.Deepikashree
phone  : NIL
E-mail  : snscahs12
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Definition, population, morbidity and mortality in children ,maternal , perinatal , neonatal , infant and preschool mortality rates, current National Programmes like ICDS, RCH, Vitamin A prophylaxis, UIP,IMCI, Pulse Polio, AFP . ARI. Diarrhoea control programmes. Growth and development – anthropometry – Measurement and interpretation of weight, length/height, head circumference, mid-arm circumference. Use of weighing machines, infant meter, interpretation of Growth Charts: Road to health card and percentile growth curves, abnormal growth patterns- failure to thrive, short 7 stature, growth pattern of different organ systems like lymphoid, brain and sex organs, normal pattern of teeth eruption. Important milestones in infancy and early childhood in areas of gross motor, fine motor, language and personal – social development, psychological and behavioural problems Measurement and interpretation of sitting height, US: LS ratio and arm span Age- independent antropometric measurement – principles and application

Immunization.breast milk,vaccination

Nutrition - normal requirements of carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals and vitamins for newborn, children, pregnant and lactating mother. Common food sources. Breast feeding – colostrum and composition of breast milk, initiation and technique of feeding, hazards and demerits of prelacteal feed, top milk and bottle – feeding. Feeding of LBW babies. Infant feeding /weaning foods, methods of weaning. Assessment of nutritional status of child based on history and physical examination. Characteristics of transitional and mature milk (foremilk and Hind milk) Protein energy malnutrition-definition, classification, features, causes and management. Vitamins –etio-pathogenesis, clinical feature, biochemical and radiological findings, differential diagnosis and management of nutritional disorders. Definition, causes and management of obesity Immunization :- National immunization programme, vaccine preservation and cold-chain. Vaccination types, contents, efficacy, storage, dose, site, route, contraindications and adverse reactions- BCG, DPT, OPV, Measles, MMR and Typhoid. Pulse Polio Immunization, AFP (Acute flaccid paralysis) surveillance Special vaccines – Hepatitis B, H influenza B, Pneumococcal , Hepatitis A, Chicken Pox, Meningococcal and Rabies.


Disorders of respiratory system, gastro intestinal tract, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, genitor-urinary system and haematological disorder Infectious disease – epidemiology, basic pathology, symptoms, signs, complications, investigations, differential diagnosis , management and prevention of common bacterial , viral and parasitic infections . Special reference to vaccine – preventable disease – Diarrhoea, LRTI, TB, Polio, meningitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus , measles, mumps, rubella, typhoid, viral hepatitis , cholera, chicken pox, giardiasis, amoebiasis, intestinal helminthiasis, malaria, dengue fever, AIDs , Kala azar , leprosy , chlamydia infection. Paediatric emergencies – status epilepticus, status asthmaticus / acute severe asthma, shock and anaphylaxis, burns, hypertensive emergencies, gastrointestinal bleed, comatose child, congestive cardiac failure, acute renal failure. Genetics- principles of inheritance and diagnosis of genetic disorders – Down’s syndrome


Geriatrics- physiological and psychological fundamentals of aging process Diet for the aged and management of nutritional disorders Disorders of major geriatric ailments and management - Medical – infections, dehydration, acute confusional state, osteoporosis, Degenerative joint diseases, effects of immobility – prevention of contracture and bedsores. Economic and psychosocial needs of the aged. Role of various health care providers including family.


Geriatrics- physiological and psychological fundamentals of aging process Diet for the aged and management of nutritional disorders Disorders of major geriatric ailments and management - Medical – infections, dehydration, acute confusional state, osteoporosis, Degenerative joint diseases, effects of immobility – prevention of contracture and bedsores. Economic and psychosocial needs of the aged. Role of various health care providers including family.

Reference Book:

Text book of paediatrics-santhosh kumar

Text Book:

Essential paediatrics 9th edition- vinod k paul,aravind bagga


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