Subject Details
Dept     : IT
Sem      : 8
Regul    : 2013
Faculty : Prof.T. R. lekhaa
phone  : NIL
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Due Date:27-02-2020
Case Study on Resposible Engineer
1. In the late 1960s. Ford designed a small car Pinto and brought it into market at a rapid pace. The gas tank was between the rear axle and the bumper. The prescribed rear impact tests have been conducted and the design was found to be alright. The gas tank caught fire at an impact very marginally higher that the value stipulated in the impact test. Ford engineers calculated that paying the insurance claims of the accident victims would be much cheaper than changing the design at that stage. What responsibilities do engineers have in situations like this? Is it appropriate to undertake safety improvement at any cost? 2. Many accidents are caused by using cellular phones white driving. The risk of accident is four times greater when the driver is using the cell phone. This is the same as driving the car drunk. 23 countries have banned the use of cell phone while driving. Cell phones and the means of mounting them in automobiles are designed by engineers. What responsibility do engineers have regarding this problem?