Subject Details
Dept     : EEE
Sem      : 4
Regul    : 2019
Faculty : prof S.Geetha
phone  : NIL
E-mail  :
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  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Numerical solutions,
    Numerical differentiation and integration,
    Numerical solutions of ODEs,
    Boundary value problems,
    Question Bank

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Introduction to Numerical Methods,
    Newton Raphson Method,
    Problems-Newton Raphson Method,
    Tutorial 1,
    Gauss Jordan Method,
    Gauss Jacobi Method,
    Gauss Seidel Method,
    Tutorial 2,
    Inverse by Gauss Jordan,
    Finding Eigen values by Power Method,
    Problems - Finding Eigen values by Power Method ,
    Tutorial 3,
    Lagranges Interpolation,
    Inverse Lagranges Interpolation,
    Newton divided difference,
    Tutorial 4,
    Problems-Newton divided difference,
    Introduction to cubic spline,
    Problems cubic spline,
    Tutorial 5,
    Newtons forward difference,
    Newtons backward difference,
    Tutorial 6,
    Introduction to Numerical differentiation,
    Problems-Numerical differenciation,
    Numerical Integration-Trapezoidal,
    Tutorial 7,
    Simpsons 1/3 rule,
    Simpsons 3/8th rule,
    Rombers Method,
    Tutorial 8,
    Two-Point Gaussian Quadrature,
    Three-Point Gaussian Quadrature,
    Double Integral,
    Tutorial 9,
    Taylor series,
    Euler Method,
    Modified Euler Method,
    Tutorial 10,
    Fourth order R.K Method,
    Problem R.K Method,
    Milnes Method,
    Tutorial 11,
    Problems Milnes method,
    Adams Basforth method,
    Problems Adam Basforth method,
    Tutorial 12,
    Finite difference method,
    Benders schmidth,
    Problems-Bender schmidth,
    Tutorial 13,
    Crank Nicholson method,
    Problems Crank Nicholson Method,
    Solution of one D wave equation,
    Tutorial 14,
    Two-D heat Laplace equation,
    Problems Laplace equation,
    Problems-Poisson equation,
    Tutorial 15

  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Gauss Seidal Method
    Lagranges Interpolation Method
    Newton forward and Backward difference formula
    Numerical Methods
    Taylor Series Method
    Bender Schmidth Method

  • Resource Link

    Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Newton Raphson Method
    Lagranges Interpolation Method
    Introduction to Numerical differentiation and integration
    Taylor series
    R.K Method
    Finite difference approach