Subject Details
Dept     : B.Sc. Nursing
Year      : 1
Regul    : 2019
Faculty : snscnursing05
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UNIT 1 to UNIT 3

Introduction Concept of Health Health Illness continuum Factors influencing healthCauses and risk factors for developing illness Body defences Immunity and immunization Illness and illness Behaviour Impact of illness on patient and family Health Care Services HealthPromotion and prevention and Primary Care Diagnosis Treatment Rehabilitation and Continuing Care Health care teamsTypes of health care agencies Hospitals Types Organization Functions Health Promotion and Levels of Disease Prevention Primary health care and its delivery Role of nurse 2 Nursing as a profession Definition and Characteristics of a profession Nursing Definition Concepts philosophy objectives Characteristics nature and scope of nursing practice Functions of nurse Qualities of a nurse Categories of nursingpersonnel Nursing as a Profession History of Nursing in India Values Definition Types Values Clarification and values in professional Nursing Caring and Advocacy Ethics Definition and Ethical Principles Code of ethics and professional conduct for nurses 3 Hospital admission and discharge Admission to the hospital Unit and its preparation admission bed Admission procedure Special considerations Medico-legal issues Roles and Responsibilities of the nurse Discharge from the hospital Types Planned discharge LAMA and abscond Referrals and transfers Discharge Planning Discharge procedure Special considerations Medico legal issues Roles and Responsibilities of the nurse Care of the unit after discharge.

UNIT 4 to UNIT 6

4 Communication and Nurse patientrelationship Communication Levels Elements Types Modes Process Factorsinfluencing Communication Methods of Effective Communication Attending skills Rapport building skills Empathy skills Barriers to effective communication Helping Relationships (NPR)Dimensions of Helping Relationships Phases of a helping relationship Communicating effectively with patient families and team members and maintain effective human relations with special reference to communicating with vulnerable group(children women physically and mentally challenged and elderly) Patient Teaching Importance Purposes Process role of nurse and Integrating teaching in Nursing Process 5 The Nursing Process Critical Thinking and Nursin Judgment Critical Thinking Thinking and Learning Competencies Attitudes for Critical Thinking Levels of critical thinking in Nursing Nursing Process Overview Application in Practice Nursing process format INC current format Assessment Collection of Data Types Sources Methods Formulating Nursing judgment Data interpretation Nursing diagnosis Identification of client problems Nursing diagnosis statement Difference between medical and nursing diagnosis Planning Establishing Priorities Establishing Goals and Expected Outcomes Selection of interventions Protocols and standing Orders Writing the Nursing Care Plan Implementation Implementing the plan of care Evaluation Outcome of care Review and modify Documentation and Reporting 6 Documentation and Reporting Documentation Purposes of Recording and reporting Communication within the Health Care Team Types of records ward records medical nursing records Common Record keeping forms Computerized documentation Guidelines for Reporting Factual Basis Accuracy Completeness currentness Organization confidentiality Methods of Recording Reporting Change-of shift reports Transfer reports Incident reports Minimizing legal Liability through effective record keeping

UNIT 7 to UNIT 9

7 Vital signs Guidelines for taking vita! signs Body temperature Physiology Regulation Factors affecting body temperature Assessment of body temperature sites equipments and technique special considerations Temperature alterations Heatstroke Hypothermia Hot and cold applications Pulse Physiology and Regulation Characteristics of the pulse Factors affecting pulse Assessment of pulse sites location equipments and technique special considerations Alterations in pulse Respiration Physiology and Regulation Mechanics of breathing Characteristics of the respiration,Factors affecting respiration Assessment of respirations technique special considerations Alterations in respiration Blood pressure Physiology and Regulation Characteristics of the blood pressure Factors affecting blood pressure Assessment of blood pressure sites equipments and technique special considerations Alterations in blood pressure Recording of vital signs 8 Health assessment Purposes Process of Health assessment Health history Physical examination Methods inspection Palpation Percussion Auscultation Olfaction Preparation for examination patient and unit General assessment Assessment of each body System Recording of health assessment 9 Machinery Equipment and linen Types Disposables and reusables Linen rubber goods glass ware metal plastics furniture machinery Introduction Indent Maintenance Inventory

UNIT 10 to UNIT 12

10 Meeting needs of patient Basic needs (Activities of daily living)Providing safe and clean environmentPhysical environment Temperature Humidity Noise Ventilation light Odour pests control Reduction of Physical hazards fire accidents Safety devices Restraints side rails airways trapez etc Role of nurse in providing safe and clean environment Hygiene Factors Influencing Hygienic Practice Hygienic care Care of the Skin Bath and pressure points feet and nail Oral cavity Hair Care Eyes Ears and Nose Assessment Principles Types Equipments Procedure Special Considerations Patient environment Room Equipment and linen Making patient beds Types of beds and bed making Comfort Factors Influencing Comfort Comfort devices Physiological needs Sleep and Rest Physiology of sleep Factors affecting sleep Promoting Rest and sleep Sleep Disorders Nutrition Importance Factors affecting nutritional Assessment of nutritional needs Variables Meeting Nutritional needs Principles equipments procedure and special considerations Oral Enteral Naso Orogastric gastrostomy Parenteral Urinary Elimination Review of Physiology of Urine Elimination, Composition and characteristics of urine Factors Influencing Urination Alteration in Urinary Elimination Types and Collection of urine specimen Observation urine testing Facilitating urine elimination assessment types equipments procedures and special considerations Providing urinal bed pan Condom drainage Perineal care Catheterization Care of urinary drainage Care of urinary diversions Bladder irrigation ƒ Bowel Elimination Review of Physiology of Bowel Elimination Composition and characteristics of faeces Factors affecting Bowel elimination Alteration in Bowel Elimination Types and Collection of specimen of faeces Observation Facilitating bowel elimination assessment, equipments procedures and special considerations Passing of Flatus tube Enemas Suppository Sitz bath Bowel wash Care of Ostomies Mobility and Immobility Principles of Body Mechanics Maintenance of normal body dignment and mobility Factors affecting body Alignment and mobility Hazards associated with immobility Alteration in body Alignment and mobility Nursing interventions for impaired Body Alignment and Mobility assessment types devices used method and special considerations rehabilitation aspects Range of motion exercises Maintaining body alignment Positions Moving Lifting Transferring Walking Restraints Oxygenation Review of Cardiovascular and respiratory Physiology Factors Affecting Oxygenation Alterations in oxygenation Nursing interventions in oxygenation assessment types equipment used procedure and special considerations Maintenance of patent airway Oxygen administration Suction Inhalations dry and moist Chest physiotherapy and postural drainage Care of Chest drainage Pulse oxirnetry CPR Basic life support Fluid Electrolyte and Acid Base Balances Review of Physiological Regulation of Fluid Electrolyte and Acid Base Balances Factors Affecting Fluid Electrolyte and Acid Base Balances Alterations in Fluid Electrolyte and Acid Base Balances Nursing interventions in Fluid Electrolyte and Acid Base imbalances assessment types equipment procedure and special considerations o Measuring fluid intake and output Correcting Fluid Electrolyte Imbalance Replacement of fluids Oral and Parenteral Venipuncture regulating IV Flow rates changing IV solutions and tubing Changing IV dressing Administering Blood transfusion Restriction of fluids Psychosocial Needs Concepts of Cultural Diversity Stress and Adaptation Self concept Sexuality Spiritual Health Coping with loss death and grieving Assessment of psychosocial needs Nursing intervention for psychosocial needs Assist with coping and adaptation Creating therapeutic environment Recreational and diversional therapies 11 Infection control in Clinical settings Infection control Nature of infection Chain of infection transmission Defenses against infection natural and acquired Hospital acquired infection(Nosocomial infection) Concept of asepsis medical asepsis, and surgical asepsis Isolation precautions (Barrier nursing) Hand washing simple hand antisepsis and surgical antisepsis (scrub) Isolation source and protective Personal protecting equipments types, uses and technique of wearing and removing Decontamination of equipment and unit Transportation of infected patients Standard safety precautions(Universal precautions) Transmission based precautions Biomedical waste management Importance Types of hospital waste Hazards associated with hospital waste Decontamination of hospital waste Segregation and Transportation and disposal 12 Admintration of Medications General Principles consideration Purposes of Medication Principles 5 rights special consideration Presciptions Safety in Adminstering Medications and Mediation Errors Drug Froms Routes of administration Storage and mainteneance of drugts and Nurses responsibility Broad classification of drugs Therapeutic Effect Side Effects Toxic Effects Idiosyncratic Reactions Allergic Reactions Drug Tolerance Drug Interactions Factors Influencing drug Actions Systems of Drug Measurement Metric System Apothecary System Household Measurements Solutions Converting Measurements Units Conversion within onesystem Conversion between systems Dosage Calculation Terminologies and abbreviations used in prescriptions of medications Oral Drugs Administration Oral Sub lingual and Buccal Equipment procedure Parenteral General principles decontamination and disposal of syringes and needles Types of parenteral therapies Types of syringes needles canula and infusion sets Protection from Needle stick Injuries Giving Medications with a safety syringes Routes of parenteral therapies Intra dermal purpose site equipment procedure special considerations Subcutaneous purpose site equipment procedure special considerations Intramuscular purpose site equipment procedure special considerations Intra Venous purpose site equipment procedure special considerations Advanced techniques epidural intra thecal intra osseous intra peritonial intra plural intra arterial Role of nurse Topical Administration purposes site equipment procedure special considerations for Application to Skin Application to mucous membrane Direct application of liquids-Gargle and swabbing the throat Insertion of Drug into body cavity Suppository medicated packing in rectum vagina Instillations Ear Eye Nasal Bladder and Rectal Irrigations Eye Ear Bladder Vaginal and Rectal Spraying Nose and throat Inhalation Nasal oral endotracheal (steam oxygen and medications)purposes types equipment procedure special considerations Recording and reporting of medications administered

UNIT 13 to UNIT 16

13 Meeting needs of Peri operative patients Definition and concept of Peri operative Nursing Preoperative Phase Preparation of patient for surgery Intra-operative Operation theatre Set up and environment Role of nurse Postoperative Phase Recovery unit Post operative unit Postoperative care Wounds types Classifications wound Healing Process Factors affecting Wound Complications of Wound Healing Surgical asepsis Care of the wound types equipments procedure and special considerations Dressings Suture Care Care of Drainage Application of Bandages Binders Splints & Slings Heat and Cold Therapy 14 Meeting special needs of the patient Care of patients having alteration in Temperature (hyper and hypothermia); Types Assessment Management Sensorium (Unconsciousness) Assessment Management Urinary Elimination (retention and incontinence) Assessment Management Functioning of sensory organs ( Visual &hearing impairment)Assessment of Self Care ability Communication Methods and special considerations Mobility (physically challenged, cast)assessment of Self Care ability Communication Methods and special considerations Mental state (mentally challenged), assessment of SelfCare ability Communication Methods and special considerations Respiration (distress)Types Assessment Management Comfort (Pain) Nature Types Factors influencing Pain Coping Assessment Management Treatment related to gastrointestinal system nasogastric suction gastric irrigation gastric analysis 15 Care of Terminally ill patient Concepts of Loss Grief grieving Process Signs of clinical death Care of dying patient special considerations Advance directives euthanasia will dying declaration organ donation etc Medico legal issues Care of dead body equipment procedure and care of unit Autopsy Embalming 16 Professional Nursing concepts and practices Conceptual and theoretical models of nursing practice Introduction to models holistic model health belief model health promotion model etc Introduction to Theories in Nursing Peplau’s Henderson’s, Orem’s, Neuman’s, Roger’s and Roy’s Linking theories with nursing sprocess

Reference Book:

Potter and Perry’s., “ Fundamentals of Nursing”., 6th edition.,2006., Elsevier India private Ltd., New Delhi. Stephanie’s., “ Principles and Practice of Nursing, Nursing Arts Procedures”., 7th edition., 2010., N.R. Publishing House., Indore

Text Book:

Carol,”Fundamentals of Nursing, The Art and Science of Nursing Care”., 6th edition., Vol – II., 2009., Wolters Kluwer publications., New Delhi.


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