Subject Details
Dept     : B.Sc. Nursing
Year      : 3
Regul    : 2010-2011
Faculty : Nathiya.J
phone  : NIL
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1.Nursing management of Patient with disorders of Ear Nose and Throat

1. Review of anatomy and physiology of the Ear Nose and Throat 2. Nursing Assessment History and Physical assessment 3. EtiologyPathophysiology clinical manifestations diagn osis treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of Ear Nose and Throat disorders 4. External ear deformities otalgia foreign bodies, and tumours 5. Middle Ear Impacted waxTympanic membrane perforation otitis media otosclerosis mastoiditis tumours 6. Inner ear Meniere’s Disease labyrinthitis ototoxicity, tumours 7. Upper airway infections — Common cold, sinusitis, eth initis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsilitis and adenoiditis, peritonsilar abscess, laryngitis 8. Upper respiratory airway — epistaxis, 9. Nasal obstruction, laryngeal obstruction, cancer of the larynx 10. Cancer of the oral cavitySpeech defects and speech therapy 11. Deafness - 12. Prevention, control and rehabilitation 13. Hearing Aids, implanted hearing devices 14. Special therapies nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of disorders of Ear Nose and Throat Role of nurse Communicating with hearing 15. impaired and muteness. 2. Nursing management of patient with disorders of eye: 1. Review of anatomy and physiology of the eye- 2. Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment 3. Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of eye disorders: 4. Refractive errors 5. Eyelids-infection, tumours and deformities 6. Conjunctiva- inflammation and infection, bleeding 7. Cornea- inflammation and infection 8. Lens-Cataracts 9. Glaucoma 10. Disorder of the urinary tract, 11. Ocular tumours 12. Disorders of posterior chamber and retina: Retinal and vitreous problems. 13. Retinal detachment 14. Ocular emergencies and their prevention 15. Blindness 16. National blindness control. Program Eye Banking 17. Eye prostheses and Rehabilitation Role of a nurse- Communication with visually impaired Patient, Eye camps

3. Nursing management of patient with neurological disorders

3. Nursing management of patient with neurological disorders 1. Review of anatomy and physiology of the neurological system 2. Nursing Assessment-History and Physical and neurological assessment and Glasgow coma scale 3. Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of 4. neurological disorders 5. Congenital malformations Headache 6. Head Injuries Spinal Injuries: 7. Paraplegia Hemiplegia 8. Quadraplegia 9. Spinal cord compression- herniation of intervertebral disc 10. Tumors of the brain & spinal cord Intra cranial and cerebral aneurysms Infections: 11. Meningitis, Encephalitis, Brain abscess, neurocysticercosis Movement disorders 12. Chorea 13. Seizures 14. Epilepsies 15. Cerebro Vascular Accidents (CVA) Cranial, Spinal Neuropathies — Bell’s palsy, trigeminal neuralgia 16. Peripheral Neuropathies; GuillainBarr’e Syndrome Myasthenia gravis Multiple sclerosis Degenerative diseases Delirium 17. Dementia 18. Alzheimer’s disease 19. Parkinson’s disease 20. Management of unconsciouspatients and patients with stroke 21. Role of the nurse in communicating with patient having neurological deficit 22. Rehabilitation of patients with neurological deficit 23. Role of nurse in long stay facility (institutions) and at home Special therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of neurological 24. Disorders 4,Nursing management of patients with disorders of female reproductive system: 1. Review of anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment 2. Breast Self Examination 3. Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management disorder of female reproductive system Congenital abnormalities of female reproductive system 4. Sexuality and Reproductive Health Sexual Health Assessment Menstrual Disorders; Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea, Premenstrual Syndrome 5. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding; Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia Pelvic Inflammatory Disease- 6. Ovarian and fallopian tube disorders; infections, cysts, tumours Uterine and cervical disorders; Endometriosis, polyps, Fibroids, 7. Cervical and uterine tumoursuterine displacement, Cystocele/UrethrocelelRectocele 8. Vaginal disorders; Infections and Discharges,Fistu las 9. Vulvur disorders; Infections, cysts, tumours 10. Diseases of breasts; Deformities, Infections, Cysts and Tumours 11. Menopause and Hormonal Replacement Therapy 12. Infertility 13. Contraception;Types Methods, Risk and effectiveness 14. Spacing Methods 15. Barrier methods, Intra Uterine Devices, Hormonal, Post Conceptional Methods, Terminal methods 16. Sterilization 17. Emergency Contraception methods 18. Abortion -Natural, Medical and surgical abortion - MTP Act 19. Toxic Shock Syndrome 20. Injuries and Trauma; Sexual violence 21. Special therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment 22. of gynaecological disorders National family welfare programme etcReplacement Therapy 23. Infertility 24. Contraception;Types Methods, Risk and effectiveness 25. Spacing Methods 26. Barrier methods, Intra Uterine Devices, Hormonal, Post Conceptional Methods, Terminal methods 27. Sterilization 28. Emergency Contraception methods 29. Abortion -Natural, Medical and surgical abortion - MTP Act 30. Toxic Shock Syndrome 31. Injuries and Trauma; Sexual violence 32. Special therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment 33. of gynaecological disorders National family welfare programme etc

5. nursing management of Burns and Re- constructive and Cosmetic surgery;

5. nursing management of Burns and Re- constructive and Cosmetic surgery; 1. Types of Re-constructive and Cosmetic surgery; for 2. burns, congenital deformities, injuries and cosmetic purposes Role of Nurse 3. Legal aspects Rehabilitation Special therapies 4. Q Psycho social aspects Nursing procedures 5. Drugs used in treatment of Bums, 6. re constructive and cosmetic surgery 6. Nursing management of patients with oncological conditions 1. Structure & characteristics of normal & cancer cells 2. Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment 3. Prevention, Screening, Early detection, Warning signs of cancer 4. Epidemiology, Etiology, Classification, Pathophysiology, Staging, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of oncological conditions 5. Common malignancies of various body systems; Oral, larynx, lung, Stomach and Colon, Liver, Leukemias and lymphomas, Breast,Cervix, Ovary, Uterus, Sarcoma, 6. Brain, Renal, Bladder, Prostate etc Oncological emergences 7. Modalities of treatment Immunotherapy 8. c Chemotherapy Radiotherapy 9. c Surgical Interventions Stem cell and Bone marrow transplants 10. Gene therapy 11. Other forms of treatment 12. Psychosocial aspects of cancer. 13. Rehabilitation Palliative care Symptom and Pain Management, Nutritional support 14. Home care 15. Hospice care Stoma Therapy 16. Special therapies Psycho social aspects 17. Nursing procedures

7.Nursing management of patient in EMERGENCY & DISASTER situations Disaster Nursing:

7.Nursing management of patient in EMERGENCY & DISASTER situations Disaster Nursing: Concepts and principles of Disaster Nursing Causes and Types of Disaster: Natural and Man-made Earthquakes, Floods, Epidemics, Cyclones Fire, Explosion, Accidents Violence, Terrorism; bio- chemical, War Policies related to emergency/disaster management; International, national, state, institutional Disaster preparedness: Team, Guidelines, protocols, Equipments ,Resources Coordination and involvement of; Community, various govt. departments, non-Governement. organizations and International agencies Role of nurse: working Legal Aspects of Disaster Nursing Impact on Health and after effects; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Rehabilitation; physical, psychosocial, Financial, Relocation Emergency Nursing Concept, priorities, principles and Scope of emergency nursing Organization of emergency services: physical setup, staffing, equipment and supplies, protocols, Concepts of triage and role of triage nurse Coordination and involvement of different departments and facilities Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of patient with medical and surgical Emergency Principles of emergency management Common Emergencies; Respiratory Emergencies Cardiac Emergencies Shock and Haemorrhage Pain Poly-Trauma, road accidents, crush injuries, wound Bites Poisoning; Food, Gas, Drugs & chemical poisoning Seizures Thermal Emergencies; Heat stroke & Cold injuries Pediatric Emergencies Psychiatric Emergencies Obstetrical Emergencies Violence, Abuse, Sexual assault Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Crisis Intervention Role of the nurse; Communication and Inter Personal Relations Medico-Legal Aspects 8. Nursing care of the elderly 1. Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment 2. Aging; 3. Demography; Myths and realities 4. Concepts and theories of aging 5. Cognitive Aspects of Aging Normal biological aging 6. Age related body systems changes Psychosocial Aspects of Aging Medications and elderly 7. Stress & coping in older adults Common Health Problems & Nursing Management; 8. Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Musculoskeletal, 9. Endocrine, genito-urinary, gastrointestinal Neurological, Skin and other 10. Sensory organs Psychosocial and Sexual c Abuse of elderly 11. Role of nurse for care of elderly: ambulation, nutritional, communicational, psychosocial and spiritual 12. Role of nurse for caregivers of elderly Role of family and formal and non formal caregivers 13. Use of aids and prosthesis (hearing aids, dentures, 14. Legal & Ethical Issues Provisions and Programmes for elderly; privileges, Community Programs and health services; 15. Home and institutional care

9. Nursing management of patient in critical care units

9. Nursing management of patient in critical care units 1. Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment 2. Classification 3. Principles of critical care nursing 4. Organization; Physical setup, Policies, staffing norms, 5. Protocols, equipment and supplies 6. Special equipments; ventilators, cardiac monitors, defibrillator, 7. Resuscitation equipments 8. Infection Control Protocols Nursing management of critically ill patient; 10. Nursing management of patients adults including elderly with Occupational and Industrial Disorders Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of occupational and industrial health disorders Role of nurse Special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of Occupational and Industrial disorders 9. Nursing management of patient in critical care units 1. Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment 2. Classification 3. Principles of critical care nursing 4. Organization; Physical setup, Policies, staffing norms, 5. Protocols, equipment and supplies 6. Special equipments; ventilators, cardiac monitors, defibrillator, 7. Resuscitation equipments 8. Infection Control Protocols Nursing management of critically ill patient; 10. Nursing management of patients adults including elderly with Occupational and Industrial Disorders Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of occupational and industrial health disorders Role of nurse Special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of Occupational and Industrial disorders

Reference Book:

1. Hockenberry – Wong’s Nursing Care of the Infants & Children,2007,Elsevier 2. Ricci – Maternal & pediatric nursing, 2009, LWW 3. Hatfield – Broadribb’s Introductory Pediatric Nursing,2007,LWW 4. Lakshmana’s – Clinical Pediatrics,Lakshmana Publications 5. Bowden – Children and Their Families ,2010,LWW 6. Nelson – Textbook of Pediatrics, 2007, Elsevier. 7. Ghai – Essentials of Pediatrics ,2009,CBS 8. Avery’s Neonatology ,2006,LWW 9. Fleisher – Pediatric emergency Medicine,2006, 10. Achar’s Textbook of Pediatrics, 2009, Orient Black Swan.

Text Book:

1. Kyle – Essentials of Pediatric Nursing,2009,LWW 2. Marlow – Textbook of Pediatric Nursing,1996,Elsevier 3. Hockenberry – Essentials of Pediatric Nursing,2008,Elsevier 4. Potts – Pediatric Nursing ,2007,Thomson Learning 5. Bowden – Pediatric Nursing Procedure ,2009,LWW


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