Subject Details
Dept     : B.Sc. Nursing
Year      : 2
Regul    : 2010-2011
Faculty : Nathiya.J
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Introduction to medical surgical nursing

UNIT-1 • Introduction to medical surgical nursing- Evolution and trends of medical and surgical nursing • Review of Concepts of Health and illness Disease-concepts, causations, classification International Classification Diseases (lCD- 10 or later version), Acute illness Chronic illness & Terminal illness, stages of illness • Review of concepts of comprehensive nursing care in medical surgical conditions based on nursing process. • Role of Nurse, patient and family in care of adult patient • Role and responsibilities of a nurse in medical surgical settings: - Outpatient department. - In-patient unit - Intensive care unit. - Home and Community settings Introduction to Medical Surgical asepsis - Inflammation and Infection - Immunity - Wound healing Care of Surgical Patient -Pre-operative -Intra operative -Post Operative UNIT-2 Common signs and symptoms and management • Fluid and electrolyte imbalance. • Vomiting • Dyspnea and cough, respiratory obstruction • Fever • Shock • Unconsciousness, Syncope • Pain • Incontinence • Edema • Age related problems geriatric UNIT-3 Nursing management of patients (adults including elderly) with respiratory problems • Review of anatomy and physiology of respiratory system, • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing management of adults including elderly with – Upper Respirator’ that infection Bronchitis Asthma Emphysema Empyema Atelectasis Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) Bronchiectasis. Pulmonary tuberculosis • Lung abscess • Pleural effusion • Cysts and Tumours • Chest injuries • Respiratory arrest and insufficiency • Pulmonary embolism special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of respiratory disorders

Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with disorders of digestive system

UNIT-4 Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with disorders of digestive system • Review of anatomy and physiology of digestive system • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing management • Disorders of • Oral cavity- lips, gums, and teeth • Oesophagus —inflammation? stricture, obstruction, bleeding and tumours • Stomach and deudenumhiatus hernia, gastritis, peptic and deudenal ulcer, bleeding, tumours, pyloric stenosis • Small intestinal disorders inflammation and infection, entritis, malabsorption, obstruction, tumour and perforation • Large intestinal disorders Colitis, inflammation and infection, obstruction and tumour and lump.Hernias • Appendix-inflammation, mass, abscess, rupture • Anal & Rectum; hemorrhoids, fissures, Fistulas • Peritonitis/acute abdomen Pancreas; inflammation, cyst, abscess and tumours • Liver; inflammation, cyst, abscess, cirrhosis, portal hypertension, hepatic failure, tumours Gall Bladder; inflammation, obstruction, stones and tumours Special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of disorders of digestive system UNIT 5 Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with blood and cardio vascular problems • Review of anatomy and physiology of blood and cardio vascular system, • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing management of- • Vascular system - Hypertension, Hypotension - Artherio sclerosis - Raynaud’s disease - Aneurism and Peripheral vascular disorders Heart • Coronary artery diseases • Ischemic Heart Disease • Cornory atherosclerosis• Angina pectoris • Myocardial infarction • Valvular disorders of the heart - Congenital and acquired - Rheumatic Heart diseases • Endocarditis, Pericarditis Myocarditis • Cardio Myopathies • Cardiac dysrhythmias, Heart Block • Congestive cardiac failure Cor-pulmonale, pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, cardiac tamponade • Cardiac emergencies and arrest • Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) • Blood • Anaemias • Polycythemia • Bleeding disorders; clotting factor defects and platelets defects • Thalassemia • Leukaemias • Leukopenias and agranulocytosis • Lymphornas • Myelornas • Special therapies • Blood transfusion, safety checks, procedure and requirements, management of adverse transfusion reactions:, records for blood transfusion. • Management and counseling of blood donors, phlebotomy procedure, and post donation management. Blood hank functioning and hospital transfusion committee. Bio safety and waste management in relation to blood transfusion• Role of a nurse in Organ donation, retrieval and banking Alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of blood and cardio vascular Disorders. Unit-6 Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with genito-urinary problems • Review of anatomy and physiology of genito-urinary system • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing management of- • Nephritis • Nephrotic syndrome • Nephrosis • Renal calculus • Tumours • Acute renal failure • Chronic renal failure • End stage renal disease • Dialysis, renal transplant • Congenital disorders, urinary infections • Benign prostate hypertrophy. • Disorders of ureter, urinary bladder and urethera inflammation, infection, stricture, obstruction, tumour, prostrate Special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of genitourinary disorders.

Nursing Management of disorders of male(adults including elderly) reproductive system

Unit-7 Nursing Management of disorders of male(adults including elderly) reproductive system• Review of anatomy and physiology of male reproductive system • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing management of disorders of male reproductive system • Congenital malformations; Hypospadiasis •A1ospadiasis, Epispadiasis • Infections • Testis and adjacent structures Penis • Prostate: inflammation, infection, hypertrophy, tumour • Sexual Dysfunction Infertility • Contraception • Breast; gynecomastia, tumour • Climacteric changes Special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of disorders of male reproductive system. Unit-8 Nursing management of patient(adults including elderly) with disorders of endocrine system • Review of anatomy and physiology of endocrine system • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing management of • Disorders of Thyroid and Parathyroid • Diabetes mellitus • Diabetes insipidus • Adrenal tumour • Pituitary disorders. Special therapies, alternative’ therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of disorders of endocrine system. Unit 9 Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with disorders of Integumentary system • Review of anatomy and physiology of Skin and its appendages • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing management of disorders of skin and its appendages – • Lesions and abrasions • Infection and infestations; Dermititis • Dermatoses; infect mis and Non infectious “inflammatory dermatoses” • Acne Vulgaris • Allergies and Eczema • Psoriasis • Malignant melanoma • Alopecia Special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of disorders of integumentary system.

Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with musculoskeletal problems

Unit-10 Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with musculoskeletal problems • Review of anatomy and physiology of musculoskeletal system, • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing management of - • Disorders of: • Muscles, Ligaments and Joints - inflammation, infection, trauma • Bones-inflammation, infection, dislocation, fracture, tumour and trauma • Osteomalacia and osteoporosis • Arthritis • Congenital deformities • Spinal column- defects and deformities, Tumor, Prolapsed inter vertebral disc, pott’s spine Paget’s disease Amputation Prosthesis • Transplant & replacement surgeries Rehabilitation. Special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of disorders of musculoskeletal system. Unit 11 Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with Immunological problems • Review of Immune system, • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment• Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis. treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing management of- • Immunodeficiency disorder. • Primary immuno deficiency. • Phagocytic dysfunction B-cell and T-cell deficiencies • Secondary immunodeficiencies Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) • Incidence of HIV & AIDS Epidemiology Transmission-Prevention of Transmission • Standard Safety precautions • Role of Nurse; Counseling • Health education and home care consideration. • National AIDS Control Program - NACO, various national and international agencies • Infection control program • Rehabilitation. Special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of disorders of immune logical system

Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with Communicable Diseases

Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with Communicable Diseases • Overview of infectious disease, the infectious process • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Epidemiology, infectious process, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and dietics. Control and eradication of common Communicable Diseases• Tuberculosis • diarrhoeal diseases hepatitis A - E • herpes • chickenpox • smallpox • typhoid • meningitis • gas gangrene • leprosy. • Dengue • Plague • Malaria • Diptheria • Pertussis • Poliomyelitis • Measles • Mumps • Influenza • Tetanus • Yellow fever • Filariasis • HIV, AIDS • Reproductive Tract Infections • Special infection control measures: Notification, Isolation, Quarantine, Immunization, Infectious Disease Hospitals Special therapies, alternative therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of Communicable diseases. Unit 13 Peri operative nursing: • Organization and Physical set up of the Operation Theatre (OT): - Classifications - O.T. DESIGN - Staffing - Members of the OT team. - Duties and responsibilities of nurse in O.T. - Principles of Health and operating room attire• Instruments, • Sutures and suture materials • Equipments • O.T. tables and sets for common surgical procedures • Positions and draping for common surgical procedures • Scrubbing procedures • Gowning and gloving • Preparation of O.T. Sets • Monitoring the patient during surgical procedures • Maintenance of therapeutic environment in O.T. • Standard Safety measures Infection control; fumigation, disinfection and sterilization Biomedical waste management • Prevention of’ accidents and hazards in O.T • Anaesthesia • Types • Methods of administration Effects and Stages • Equipments • Drugs • Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) • Pain management techniques • Legal Aspects

Reference Book:

Reference Books: Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine, 2010, Elsevier Bailey & Love Short Practice of Surgery,2008,Hodder Arnold Timby – Introductory Medical Surgical Nursing, 2009,WK Das – Textbook of Surgery, SD Publishers Woods – Cardiac Nursing ,2010,LWW Hickey – Neurologic & Neurosurgical Nursing,2009,LWW Morton – Critical Care Nursing,2009,LWW Thelan’s Critical care Nursing,2008,Elsevier Spring House – Medical Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy,2008,LWW Gulanick – Nursing care Plans,2008,Elsevier Carpenito – Nursing Care Plans & Documentation Carlpenito – Nursing Diagnosis ,2009,LWW Webber – Health assessment In Nursing ,2010,WK Nettina – Lippincott manual of Nursing Practice,2009,LWW

Text Book:

Recommended Books: Smeltzer – Brunner & Suddharth Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing, 2010,LWW Black – Medical Surgical Nursing,2009,Elsevier Lewis – Medical Surgical Nursing,2008,Elsevier


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