Subject Details
Dept     : B.P.T
Year      : 1
Regul    : 2022-2023
Faculty : Nagaraj
phone  : NIL
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1 Define anatomy, subdivisions 2 Define anatomical position, anatomical terms, and planes 3 Cell – Define, parts of cell, function 4 Tissue – Define, classify 5 Bone – Define, classification with examples, microscopic anatomy of bone, blood supply 6 Joint – Define, classification with examples, feature of synovial joint: articulating surface Stability, mobility, nerve supply 7 Axis and Movements in a synovial joint 8 Muscle – Define, classify with examples, structure of skeletal muscle: myofibrils, Contraction 9 Define origin, insertion, muscle work, types of muscle work, group action- agonist, Antagonist, synergist, fixator, shunt and spurt muscle, levers with e.g. 10 Nerve – Structure, parts, synapse, neuron, classification


1 OSTEOLOGY Identify parts, borders, surfaces, attachments of bones– clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, carpal bones, Meta carpal, phalanges. 2 ARTHROLOGY Type, articular surface, muscle, ligaments, movements blood supply, nerve supply of joints-Sterno clavicular, acromio clavicular, shoulder, elbow, radio ulnar, IP, MCP, CMC 3 MYOLOGY Identify muscles – origin, insertion, nerve supply, action of muscles of Scapula, upper arm, lower arm 4 NEUROLOGY Identify nerves of upper limb and its origin, course, division, innervations, Relation, its applied anatomy of radial nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerve, Axillary nerve, musculocutaneous nerve. Brachial plexus – formation and root values. Dermatome of UL. 5 ANGIOLOGY Distribution of blood vessels, lymph nodes, main arteries and veins of UL - Axillary, brachial, radial, ulnar arteries. 6 AXILLA Identify boundaries, contents of axilla, branches of axillary artery and its relation. 7 Scapulo thoracic rhythm 8 Cubital fossa – Boundaries , contents, relation


OSTEOLOGY Identify parts, border, surface, attachments of bones – hip bone, femur, tibia, Fibula, patella, tarsal bones, Meta tarsal bones, phalanges 2 ARTHROLOGY Type, articular surface, muscle, ligaments, movements, blood supply, nerve supply, of joints – hip, knee, tibio fibular, tarsal 3 MYOLOGY Identify origin, insertion, nerve supply, action of muscles of – thigh, leg, sole of Foot 4 NEUROLOGY Identify plexuses, nerves of LL, origin, course, innervations, applied anatomy, Relation of femoral nerve, sciatic nerve, tibial nerve, common peroneal nerve, Obturator nerve, superficial and deep peroneal nerve. Lumbar plexuses Sacral plexuses 5 ANGIOLOGY Distribution of blood vessels, lymph node of LL, main arteries and veins of LL – Femoral artery, femoral vein, tibial artery, posterior tibial artery. 6 Femoral triangle 7 Popliteal fossa – boundaries and contents 8 Arches of foot


Skull (features, joints of skull bone, parts) 2 Identify internal and external auditory meat us, foramen magnum, stylomastoid foramen and structures passing through them 3 Anterior and posterior triangles of neck (boundaries and contents) 4 Muscles of the face (origin, insertion, action, nerve supply, applied anatomy) 5 Cranial nerve (origin, course, relation, innervations) 6 Trigeminal nerve (origin, course, relation, innervations) 7 General features of typical cervical vertebrae, atlas, axis, seventh cervical vertebrae. 8 Cervical plexus (formation, distribution, root values) 9 Sternomastoid, erector spinae, scalene 10 Atlantoaxial joint (articular surface, muscles, movements, ligaments, blood supply, NS) 11 Atlantooccipital joint(articular surface, muscles, movements, ligaments, blood supply,NS) 12 Position and extent of subclavian, vertebral, carotid arteries 13 Components of circle of Willis and its supply, applied importance 14 Internal jugular and sub clavian vein (position, formation, and termination) 15 ANS 16 Parts of brain and its function, applied importance 17 Eye (parts, retina, optic pathway, nerve supply, muscles of eye) 18 Nose (parts, boundaries of nose, nasal cavity, sinuses) 19 Temperomandibular joint (type, articular surfaces, ligaments, movements, muscle responsible, nerve supply) 20 Ear (parts, organ of corti, nerve of hearing and its applied importance)


1 Formation and subdivision of bony pelvis 2 List features of male and female bony pelvis 3 Type, articular surface, ligaments, movements of joints of pelvis 4 Abdominal cavity and layers of abdominal wall (ant & post), (O, I, NS, ACT) 24 5 Rectus sheath 6 Inguinal canal (position, extent, formation, content) 7 Branches and distribution of abdominal aorta and iliac arteries 8 Mention features of pubic symphysis and sacro iliac joint 9 Muscles of pelvic floor (attachment, action, nerve supply) 10 Structures of urogenital diaphragm 11 Position, extent, parts, relation, blood supply, nerve supply, lymph drainage of kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra. 12 Innervations of urinary bladder D.THORAX AND ABDOMEN 1 Osteology of vertebral column 2 Identify and classify vertebrae – typical & atypical 3 Parts and features of typical vertebrae. 4 Features of thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx. 5 Intervertebral joint – articulating surface, movements, stability, mobility 6 Curvatures of vertebral column. 7 Contents of vertebral canal. 8 Sternum – parts, features (borders, surfaces, muscle attachments) 9 Define true, false, floating ribs 23 10 Mention parts and features of atypical rib. 11 Type and formation of joint between rib and vertebrae, between costal cartilage, costal cartilage and sternum, between parts of sternum. 12 Sternal angle. 13 Intercostals space and its contents. 14 Intercostals nerve – course and its branches. 15 Intercostals muscle – origin, insertion, nerve supply, action. 16 Diaphragm – origin, insertion, nerve supply, action, orifice, structures passing through Diaphragm. 17 Movements of ribs – pump handle and bucket handle movement 18 Normal position, external features of heart and parts of heart, internal features of Chambers of heart, blood supply, venous supply, conductive system Normal position, parts, relation, blood supply of URT & LRT, pleura and its reflection, nerve supply, bronchopulmonary segment, mechanics of respiration

Reference Book:

Vishram Singh- Textbook of Anatomy

Text Book:

B.D.Chaurasia, Human Anatomy- Volume -1 - Upper Limb, Thorax B.D.Chaurasia, Human Anatomy- Volume -2 - Lower Limb, Abdomen B.D.Chaurasia, Human Anatomy- Volume -3 - Head, Neck, Brain


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