Subject Details
Dept     : B.P.T
Year      : 2
Regul    : 2017
Faculty : Miss .Archana
phone  : NIL
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1 Describe types of motion, planes of motion, direction of motion and quantity of motion. 2 Define forces, force vectors, components of forces. 3 Describe gravity, segmental centers of gravity, centre of gravity, and line of gravity of the human body, stability and centre of gravity, relocation of the centre of gravity. 4 Describe the reaction forces, Newton law of reaction. 5 Describe equilibrium-law of inertia and establishing equilibrium of an object 6 Describe objects in motion: law of acceleration, joint distraction in a linear force system and force of friction. 7 Describe concurrent force system: composition of force, muscle action lines, total muscle force vector, divergent muscle pulls, and anatomical pulleys. 8 Describe parallel force systems: first class lever, second class lever, third class lever – torque – mechanical advantage. 9 Define moment arm: moment arm of a muscle force, moment arm of gravity and anatomical pulleys 10 Describe equilibrium of a lever.


1 Describe the basic principles of joint design and a human joint 2 Describe the tissue present in human joints: including dense fibrous tissue, bone, 3 Cartilage and connective tissue. 4 Classify joints – synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, diaarthrosis, and sub classification of Synovial joints 5 Describe joint function, kinematics chains, range of motion 6 Describe the general effects of injury and disease 7 Closed kinematics chain versus open kinematics chain 8 Hyaline cartilage and fibro cartilage.


Describe mobility and stability functions of muscle. 2 Describe elements of muscle structure- composition of muscle fiber, motor unit, types of muscle fiber, muscle fiber size, arrangement and number, muscle tension, length – Tension relationship. 3 Active and passive insufficiency 4 Describe types of muscle contraction, speed, angular velocity, and applied load, voluntary Control, torque, isokinetic exercise 5 Factors affecting muscle tension 6 Active and passive tension 7 Concentric, eccentric, isometric contraction 8 Classify muscle – spurt and shunt muscle, tonic and phasic muscle 9 Agonist, antagonist and synergist 10 Factors affecting muscle function: type of joint and location of muscle attachments, Number of joints, sensory receptors 11 Isokinetic exercise with concentric exercise


1 Articulations, ligaments, muscles, typical vertebrae and intervertebral disc 2 Factors affecting stability and mobility 3 Structure and function of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae 4 Describe muscles of the vertebral column – flexors, extensors, rotators, lateral flexors 5 Describe the effect of injury and developmental defects 6 Lumbar – pelvic rhythm, Motions of the vertebral column


1 Describe the structural components of the shoulder complex including the articulating surfaces, capsular attachment, ligaments, movements of the following joints, Sternoclavicular, Acromioclavicular, Scapulothoracic, Glenohumeral 2 Describe the function of the shoulder complex including dynamic stability of the Glenohumeral joint, scapulothoracic contributions 3 Describe the muscles of elevation (deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, Subscapularis, upper trapezius, lower trapezius, serratus anterior, middle trapezius and Rhomboids 4 Describe the muscles of depression (Lattismus dorsi, pectoralis, teres major, and rhomboids) 5 Scapulohumeral rhythm, Coracoacromial arch. F.THE ELBOW COMPLEX 1 Describe the structure of the humeroulnar, humeroradial including articulating surfaces, Joint capsule, ligaments, muscles 2 Describe the function of humeroulnar and humeroradial joints including the axis of motion, range of motion, muscle action 3 Describe the structure and function of superior and inferior radioulnar joint 4 Describe the stability and mobility of the elbow complex 5 Carrying angle 6 Factors limiting range of motion in flexion and extension, supination and pronation G.THE WRIST AND HAND COMPLEX 1 Describe the structure of wrist complex including radio carpal joint, mid carpal joint, and the ligaments of the wrist complex. 36 2 Describe the function of the radio carpal joint and mid carpal joint including the movements and muscles involved 3 Describe the hand complex including structure of fingers – CMC, MCP, IPJ of fingers, Ligaments, range of motion 4 Describe the structure of the CMC, MCP, IP joints of thumb 5 Describe the extrinsic and intrinsic thumb muscles 6 Describe prehension, power, cylindrical, spherical and hook grip 7 Describe precision handling – pad to pad, tip top tip, pad to side prehension and 8 Functional position of the wrist 9 Role of interossei and lumbricals muscles at the MCP IP joints. H.THE HIP COMPLEX 1 Describe the structure of hip joint including the articulating surfaces on the pelvis and femur, angulations, angle of torsion, internal architecture of femur and pelvis, ligaments and muscles. 2 Describe the function of hip – rotation between pelvis, lumbar spine, and hip: pelvic Motion – anterior posterior pelvic tilting, lumbar pelvic rhythm, lateral pelvic tilting and Pelvic rotation. 3 Describe femoral motion 4 Describe hip stability in erect bilateral stance, sagittal plane equilibrium and unilateral stance 5 Describe reduction of forces with weight shifting and using a cane and deviations from normal in muscular weakness and bony abnormalities 6 Coxa valga and coax vara on the basis of hip stability and mobility 7 Ante version and retroversion on the basis of hip stability and mobility I.THE KNEE COMPLEX 1 Describe the structure of the tibiofemoral joint – articulating surfaces on femur and tibia, The menisci, joint capsule and bursa, ligaments and other supporting structures Anterior – posterior and medial – lateral stability, muscle structure: 2 Knee flexors and Extensors: axes of knee complex: mechanical axis: anatomic axis and axis of motion. 3 Describe the function of the tibiofemoral joint: range of motion, flexion and extension, rotation, abduction and adduction, locking and unlocking, functions of menisci and Muscle function 4 Describe the structure and function of patellofemoral joint 5 Describe the effects of injury and disease in the tibiofemoral joint and patellofemoral Joint 37 6 Q angle, Bursa around the knee J.THE ANKLE AND FOOT COMPLEX 1 Describe the structure – ankle joint, tibia fibular joint, transverse tarsal joint, tarsometatarsal joint, metatarsophalangeal joints, and interphalangeal joint 2 Describe about arches of foot 3 Describe dorsi flexion and plantar flexion, inversion and eversion, adduction and abduction, supination and pronation relating to ankle foot complex. 4 Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the foot K.POSTURE 1 Describe the effects of gravity and indicate the location of the gravity line in the sagital Plane in optimal posture 2 Analyze posture with respect to the optimal alignment of joints in the AP and lateral view 3 Role of muscles and ligaments that maintain gravitational moments in erect posture 4 Explain the postural deviations – pesplanus, hallusvalgus, pescavus, idiopathic scoliosis, Kyphosis, lordosis L.GAIT 1 Gait – Stance, Swing, Double support phases of gait and its sub division, parameters of gait 2 Analyze joint motion at hip, knee and ankle of the extremity during gait cycle 3 Describe the muscle activity at hip, knee and ankle throughout the gait cycle and muscle activity at the trunk and upper extremities. 4 Pathological gait and its biomechanical implications.

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