Subject Details
Dept     : AIML
Sem      : 3
Regul    : 2019
Faculty : Ms.S.Rajasulochana
phone  : NIL
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Due Date:30-10-2023
Assignment 1: IAE 1
IAE 1 set A question paper without choice is your assignment 1
Due Dates Is Over
Due Date:13-11-2023
Question bank - UNIT 2
UNIT 3 IMPORTANT 2 MARKS 1. Compare general tree and binary tree 2. Compare binary tree and binary search tree 3. Compare binary search tree and AVL trees 4. Define siblings, parent, depth, path, height and degree of a tree 5. What is complete binary tree? 6. Show that the maximum no of nodes in a binary tree is of height 2^(h+1)-1 7. Give the array and linked list representation of binary tree with example 8. Define tree traversal and its types with an example 9. Write the routine to find the minimum element in a given tree 10. Write the recursive procedure for pre-order traversal 11. Draw the binary search tree for the following: 60,25,75,15,33,44 12. Define AVL tree 13. What are the properties of binary heap 14. Write the routine to perform single rotation with left 15. List the operations of priority queue
Due Dates Is Over
Due Date:20-11-2023
Question bank - UNIT 3
1. Define graph 2. Compare directed graph and undirected graph 3. Define path, degree and cycle in a graph 4. What is an adjacency matrix 5. Explain adjacency list representation of a graph with an example 6. Define topological sort 7. Define shortest path problems. Give examples 8. Define minimum spanning tree and write its properties 9. What is DAG? What is its purpose 10. What are the different ways of traversing a graph 11. What are the various applications of DFS 12. What is an articulation point 13. When a graph is said to be biconnected 14. When does floyd’s algorithm fail?