Subject Details
Dept     : AUTO
Sem      : 2
Regul    : R2023
Faculty : Samundeswari
phone  : 9790338147
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Due Dates Is Over
Due Date:08-04-2024
Word formation, Prefix and Suffix, one word s
Word formation involves the creation of new words through various processes such as affixation, compounding, blending, conversion, and derivation.
Due Dates Is Over
Due Date:13-05-2024
Subject verb Agreement or Concord
Understanding concord helps writers and speakers ensure that their sentences are grammatically correct and coherent, which enhances the effectiveness of their communication. By mastering concord, individuals can express their ideas more clearly and avoid misunderstandings in written and spoken language.
Due Dates Is Over
Due Date:05-06-2024
Logical Sequence of Words and Verbal Analogy
Learning logical sequences helps in organizing thoughts and ideas systematically, which is crucial for clear and persuasive writing and speaking. It ensures that arguments are presented in a coherent and logical manner, making it easier for others to follow and understand.
Due Dates Is Over
Due Date:12-06-2024
Writing a Review of a Book
Writing a book review involves analyzing the content, themes, and structure of a book. This enhances your ability to think critically and evaluate literature systematically.