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1. Create a table "Company" with the following fields and insert the values for 10 employees. Field Name Field Type Field size Company Name Character 15 Proprietor Character 15 Address Character 25 Supplier Name Character 15 No of employees Number 4 GP Percent Number 6 with 2 decimal places QUERIES: a) Display all the records of the company which are in the ascending order of GP percent. b) Display the name of the company whose supplier name is "Telco". c) Display the details of the company whose GP percent is greater than 20 and order by GP Percent. d) Display the detail of the company having the employee ranging from 300 to 1000. e) Display the name of the company whose supplier is same as the Tata's. 2. Create a table named "Employee" with the following fields and insert the values. Field Name Field Type Field Size Employee Name Character 15 Employee Code Number 6 Address Character 25 Designation Character 15 Grade Character 1 Date of Join Date - Salary Number 10 with 2 decimal places QUERIES: a) Display the name of the employee whose salary is greater than Rs.10,000 b) Display the details of employees in ascending order according g to Employee Code. c) Display the total salary of the employees whose grade is "A" d) Display the details of the employee earning the highest salary. e) Display the names of the employees who earn more than "Ravi"

List of Programs

3. Create a table "Student" with the following fields and insert the values: Field Name Field Type Field Size Student Name Character 15 Gender Character 6 Roll No Character 10 Department Name Character 15 Address Character 25 Percentage Number 4 with 2 decimal places QUERIES: a) Calculate the average percentage of students. b) Display the names of the students whose percentage is greater than 80. c) Display the details of the student who got the highest percentage. d) Display the details of the students whose percentage is between 50 and 70. e) Display the details of the students whose percentage is greater than thepercentage of the roll no=12CA01. 4. Create a table "Product" with the following fields and insert the values: Field Name Field Type Field Size Product No Number 6 Product Name Character 15 Unit of Measure Character 15 Quantity Number 6 with decimal places Total Amount Number 8 with decimal places QUERIES: a) Using update statements calculate the total amount and then select the record. b) Select the records whose unit of measure is "Kg". c) Select the records whose quantity is greater than 10 and less than or equal to 20. d) Calculate the entire total amount by using sum operation. e) Calculate the number of records whose unit price is greater than 50 with count operation.

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5. Create the table PAYROLL with the following fields and insert the values: Field Name Field Type Field Size Employee No Number 8 Employee Name Character 8 Department Character 10 Basic Pay Number 8 with 2 decimal places HRA Number 6 with 2 decimal places DA Number 6 with 2 decimal places PF Number 6 with 2 decimal places Net Pay Number 8 with 2 decimal places QUERIES: a) Update the records to calculate the net pay. b) Arrange the records of the employees in ascending order of their net pay. c) Display the details of the employees whose department is "Sales". d) Select the details of employees whose HRA>= 1000 and DA<=900. e) Select the records in descending order.

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6. Create a Table Publisher and Book with the following fields: Field Name Field Type Field Size Publisher Code Var Char 5 Publisher Name Var Char 10 Publisher city Var Char 12 Publisher State Var Char 10 Title of book Var Char 15 Book Code Var Char 5 Book Price Var Char 5 QUERIES: a) Insert the records into the table publisher and book. b) Describe the structure of the tables. c) Show the details of the book with the title "DBMS". d) Show the details of the book with price>300. e) Show the details of the book with publisher name "Kalyani". f) Select the book code, book title, publisher city is "Delhi". g) Select the book code, book title and sort by book price. h) Count the number of books of publisher starts with "Sultan Chand". i) Find the name of the publisher starting with "S".

List of Programs

7. Create a table Deposit and loan with the following fields: Field Name Field Type Field Size Account Var Char 6 Branch Name Var Char 15 Customer Name Var Char 20 Balance Amount Var Char 10 Loan Number Var Char 7 Loan Amount Var Char 6 QUERIES: a) Insert the records into the table. b) Describe the structure of the table. c) Display the records of Deposit and Loan. d) Find the number of loans with amount between 10000 and 50000. e) List in the alphabetical order the names of all customers who have a loan at the Coimbatore branch. f) Find the average account balance at the Coimbatore branch. g) Update deposits to add interest at 5% to the balance. h) Arrange the records in descending order of the loan amount. i) Find the total amount of deposit in 'Erode' branch.

Reference Book:

Lab Manual B.Com CA

Text Book:

Lab Manual B.Com CA


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