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Introducing Swing and Graphics Programming

Introducing Swing, Graphics Programming, Displaying String, Working with Shapes, Handling Events. Overview of Delegation Event Model, Examples: Capturing Simple Action, Yet Another Example : Window Events, Work with Keyboard, Work with Mouse. Swing Components, Introduction to Layout Management, Top-level Containers, JComponent Base Class, Text Components, Choice Components, Menu. Dialogs, Advanced Containers, Model-View-Controller, Building Non-Blocking GUI, Event Dispatcher Thread Accessing Swing Components in Other Threads, Real Time Clock Example.

Client/Server Communication

Introduction, Client/Server Communication, Hosts Identification and Service Ports, Sockets and Socket-based Communication , Socket Programming and java.net Class,TCP/IP Socket Programming, UDP Socket Programming, Math Server, URL Encoding, Writing and Reading Data via URLConnection. RMI Programming: When to use RMI, RMI Development Lifecycle, Implementing an RMI Server, Implementing an RMI Client, How to Run an RMI-based Application, Security Issues.

JDBC:& SQL Database

What is JDBC: A Brief Introduction ,Types of JDBC Drivers, Using HSQL Database, Configuration for JDBC Connection, JDBC Update Operations, JDBC Query Operation A Robust and Efficient Approach: Using Prepared Statement, Stored Procedure, JDBC Transaction Support. Collection Framework, Components of Collection Framework, Accessing the Collection Class, Legacy Collection Types, Vector, Hash Table, Enumeration, Wrapper Classes, Methods in Wrapper Class, Generic Data Types and Collections, Frequently Used Collections-List, Set, Map.

Server-side Programming

Server-side Programming, The Old Way: CGI Programming, The Java Way: Model-View-Controller Apache Tomcat Servlet Container,The Controller: Java Servlet, What is Servlet, Servlet Lifecycle, Serlvets in Action . Deployment , Cookies and Session, Filtering Request. JavaServer Pages and Java Beans: What is JavaServer Pages (JSP), The Skeleton of JSP. Directives, Java Expressions, Implicit Objects, Getting Started with JSP: A Blog Example, Blog Controller, Viewing the Blog.

Struts Framework:

The Struts Framework: An Introduction to Struts, Building a Simple Struts Application, The Model Layer, The View Layer, The Controller Layer, Validator, Tiles, Declarative Exception Handling, Struts Modules, Applying Struts, Internationalizing Struts Applications, Securing Struts Applications, Testing Struts Applications. The Struts Tag Libraries, Using JSTL with Struts.

Reference Book:

1.Advanced Java Programming (OB74)( IBM Learning Services Worldwide Certified Material) 2. J2EE the Complete Reference, First Edition by Jim Keogh, 2002 Tata McGraw Hill 3. Java Servlet Programming, Second Edition by Jason Hunter, William Crawford,O'Reilly 4.Struts Survival Guide: Basics to Best Practices (J2ee Survival Series) Paperback – February, 2004 by Srikanth Shenoy 5. Struts 2 in action by Donald Brown,Chad Michael davis, Scott Stanlick Manning Publications May 2008

Text Book:

1.Object Oriented Programming with JAVA Essentials and Applications by Rajkumar Buyya, Thamarai Selvi.S, Xingchen Chu 2.Struts: The complete reference by James Holmes (April 2004)


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